25 April 2008

Ubuntu upgraded

Yes, I've upgraded the Ubuntu already! From 7.10 to 8.04 LTS. I don't know what to suggest you if you're interested to do the upgrading. I can't really say, which is faster.

It's either downloading the whole new edition, then prepare for fresh installation. Or do the upgrading via Terminal or Update Manager . The upgrade seems to fetch a hell lot of files. Took about 2 - 3 hours to finish downloading, depending on your internet connection.

And here's the overview of my current File System.

Here's the overview of my three partitions.

31.5 GB Media

10.2 GB Media

21.3 GB Media

Does it worth the wait? What d'ya think?


hari ni, aku, hayat dan faizal ada kat upsi. pusat ict upsi buat open house atau 'hari bertemu pelanggan' utk bg penerangan kepada internal customer dorang. interesting concept. buat dalam dua bulan sekali. tak payah users datang ke pusat ict kalau nak tanya benda benda yg remeh. macam kata pepatah omputih 'if muhammad doesn't want to come to the mountain, we bring the mountain to muhammad'.

mungkin konsep yg sama boleh digunakan di tempat customer kita yg lain. kalau takde lg la.

tapi x mendapat sambutan sgt. x ramai yg datang pun. byk buat keje lain pun sambil tunggu kat meja tu.

Posted from moBlog – mobile blogging tool for Windows Mobile


Today is the last day of Kean working at Ingram Micro. Few weeks back, Thomas quit JOS and Mike quit GrandTech.

We're losing friends on the supplier's side. How soon can we get new friends there ya?

Currently, Yvonne (tele-sales) is taking care of our account in Ingram Micro. And Ivy (tele-sales) in JOS. Tele-sales taking care of our account? Huh? Not sounds good. Maybe for normal quotation, should be ok. But for tender? Can die, lo!!


24 April 2008

UAT Thin client

hari ni uat utk server citrix thin client. aku mmg tak faham sgt apa dorang citer. like what Gom said "wa jual jer dude!" wakakaka

Posted from moBlog – mobile blogging tool for Windows Mobile

Minutes Plan

Ada orang cakap, kau cuma perlukan 5 minit sahaja untuk siapkan Purchase Order, atau Invoice. 5 minit sahaja untuk menaip sehelai borang.

5 minit.

Kalau kerjanya cuma 5 minit, dapatlah hasil kerja 5 minit.

"Banyak betul Minutes Plan dia ya?"



Semoga kawan kawan dpt bersabar.... jgn tensen sgt... pandai jer aku cakap. aku sedang cuba mendapatkan cuti utk kita yg telah bertungkus lumus buat tender hari tu...

Posted from moBlog – mobile blogging tool for Windows Mobile

Clorox anyone.....?

testing moBlog

testing blogging from my PDA using moBlog. if this works, then I can blog anywhere. sekarang kalau nak update, mana ada masa kat office kalau nak guna notebook.

Posted from moBlog – mobile blogging tool for Windows Mobile


ever feel mandom? i'm feeling it rite now.

11 April 2008

Cool features

Thanks to Ubuntu Newbie Malaysia, I now have a transparent terminal.

And to take a screenshot is so easy. You just have to press 'Print Screen' and the image will automatically ready to be saved. You don't even have to open any image editor, to paste and save the screenshot.

This is what happen when I'm bored. Ha ha!

10 April 2008

Ubuntu on Dell Latitude D630

I've installed Ubuntu on my Dell Latitude D630.

Clean, ya? It's cool, beb! Unfortunately, I'm having problem with my sound. Still couldn't figure out how to solve it, yet.

Hah! It seems like many people who're using Dell Latitude D630 is having the same problem as mine. Hope the new Ubuntu will solve the problem. 14 more days to go.

Uploading photo to Blogger on Ubuntu environment.

03 April 2008


gambar gambar Pacai semasa kami melawat dia kat Kuantan. Dia masih releks macam dulu. tapi perut dia semakin gendut nampaknya. wife dia, dia kata dah melekat.. insyaAllah tak lama lagi dia akan jadi papa Pacai....


Zaidi Oracle.


the lady in charge of admin and finance at BMI. she's fun to be with. always happy go lucky one... he he ...


here's Kamal, our customer. he's cool. tak banyak cakap, dan banyak tolong kita.

01 April 2008

Delivery of Wyse Thin Client

This is the same Thin Client that we delivered to our customer yesterday. 300 units of them.

96 units has been allocated to the customer's library, unfortunately the library haven't decided what to do with the units. The setup and installation works have been postponed. No date is confirmed yet.

Yesterday, we tried to install Adobe Reader on the unit, but it can't. But as per my conversation with the supplier this morning, he said the software can be installed. And it shouldn't be any problem with it. He will email me the details on this soon.

If his solution is failed, I was thinking of installing Foxit Reader. They claimed it to be "an exclusive small and fast PDF Reader of the same!"
